All posts by magirouard

🏆Ottawa poet wins acclaim for verses on caring for daughter with Down syndrome🏆

Nancy Huggett thought she’d lost the chance to become a writer after her daughter, who has Down syndrome, suffered a devastating stroke.

But the 66-year-old Ottawa poet has now become the oldest recipient of the RBC PEN Canada New Voices Award, an annual honour aiming to encourage new writing in short stories, creative nonfiction, journalism and poetry.

Read the news:

💭Share your thoughts on draft regulations for the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB)

Are you a person with a disability? Or, are you taking care of a person with a disability? Your opinion matters!

Share your thoughts on draft regulations for the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) to shape a better Canada:

The CDB will support the financial wellbeing of hundreds of thousands of working-age Canadians with disabilities. Together, we can create a more inclusive Canada.