Residential and Community Services (RCS)

Region served: Ottawa
If you are a youth in extended care with the Children Aid Society (previously known as Crown Ward) transitioning to adult services and receiving residential services with private supports, a Resource Coordinator can work with you to monitor the quality of your current services and develop a plan to meet your goals.
A resource coordinator will help you:
‣ Focus on goals that are important to you
‣ Include the people who are important to you
‣ Identify your strengths and interests
‣ Build and strengthen your relationships and support network
‣ Plan for life transitions
‣ Coordinate meetings with other service providers by:
◦ Assisting you with preparing for the meeting
◦ Supporting you at the meeting
◦ Understanding roles and responsibilities
‣ Support problem solving and group facilitation
‣ Coordinate community resources, such as:
◦ Skills development or education programs
◦ Social and recreational programs
◦ Child care programs
◦ Support workers or respite programs
◦ Volunteering or work opportunities
◦ Support groups
◦ Financial programs
◦ Housing services
◦ Transportation services
◦ Specialized services, such as counselling, behaviour management, medical, therapy, equipment …
Must be a youth in extended care with the Children Aid Society (previously known as Crown Ward) transitioning to adult services and receiving residential services with private supports.
The Children’s Aid Society applies directly to RCS on behalf of the youth, once they are confirmed eligible with Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).
Cost: Free
Related documents or important resources:
- Children Aid’s Society Ottawa
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT)
Telephone: 613-748-1788
TTY: Bell TTY Relay service
Fax: 613-748-9127
Not included in this service:
RCS does not offer residential services or day programs.