Category Archives: Resources

Spark ABA Therapy

Spark Lifecare ABA Therapy – Seeking to improve the lives of those affected by Autism and other developmental disabilities by working with families and parents to determine functional skills for their children to become more independent.  Please see the ‌Information Sheet for more details.

Operation Come Home

JobsFirst is an 18-week employment program which serves youth ages 16 to 29 who self identify or have been diagnosed with a disability. JobsFirst provides youth with individualized employment support (s) based on their career path.

Recreational Respite

RECreating Capacity. Includes upcoming workshops for young adults aging 16+, one to one respite and community partnerships. Building capacity through collaborative work has been extensive at Recreational Respite with community partnerships across the globe that promote recreation, connectivity, inclusion, and social health.

aide Canada

AIDE Canada and partners have a wealth of resources around the topic of Aging in Autism for your perusal. Here is an overview including webinars, toolkits and infographics on topics ranging from bone health, healthy aging, and Preventing Age Related Ailments

Tips for Speech Therapy at Home for Children with Autism

While formal speech therapy lessons help children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) build their communication skills, most of their communication development happens outside speech language pathologists’ offices.

Parents and caregivers are key providers of speech therapy for children with autism, and they can partner with speech language pathologists (SLPs) to embed communication lessons for their children as they grow.