Category Archives: Camps

🚨 Welcome Sunshine Day Camp’s Collaborative Leadership Camp🚨

This camp is more than just summer fun—it’s about equipping young individuals with practical skills for school, home, and community life while celebrating their unique strengths.

If this is something you are interested in please fill out Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa-Carleton’s information mailing list to be the first to know about anything and everything leadership camp.

🎶Lotus Centre for Special Music Education New Adaptive Mini Music Camp

Lotus Centre for Special Music Education is launching a new Tuesday afternoon adaptive mini music camp for kids aged 6-12 who are not attending school or are facing school exclusion.
The camp will be held from 1-4pm each Tuesday and will include music making, sensory play, and outdoor recreational time in a structured and supportive environment. It is replicating their long-running Sunday afternoon mini music camp. Registration will be on a week-to-week basis to provide as much flexibility as possible to our families.
Any questions about registration can be sent to their program administrator at

Registration for Sunshine Day Camp 2024

Sunshine Day Camp has proudly served over 500 families in Ottawa-Gatineau area and is the only program in the area that specializes in programming for children with learning disabilities and/or ADHD between the ages of 7 and 14. They offer a low-ratio (5:1) care program that is packed full of stimulating and hands-on activities and field trips for their campers, and are lucky to have a team of experienced staff on hand with knowledge of learning exceptionalities.

Register here: