Developmental Services Case Resolution Mechanism

Effective April 1, 2024, the roles and responsibilities of the Developmental Services (DS) Case Resolution mechanism have been realigned from Youth Services Bureau (YSB) to SCS. This move aligns the function of the service resolution and access mechanism with the mission and mandate of SCS, and will maximize efficiency and effectiveness for children, youth and their families accessing these services.

Case resolution is dependent upon community partners active participation to support recommendations and referrals for families, children, and youth who have complex needs and are experiencing difficulties gaining access to support and services in the community.

The DS Case Resolution mechanism is a program of SCS, which is accountable for the functions and operations of the committee. As such, all SCS policies and procedures apply to the function and operation of the committee.

The process, including meetings and documentation, will be available in both official languages, English or French.

Access to the resolution mechanism is service provider initiated only – please review the required documentation and process. Following a review of the documentation, the SCS team will connect with the referring provider to confirm next steps.