🌅 Morning Routines Made Positive and Encouraging 🌅

Starting the day on a positive note sets the tone for your child’s success and emotional well-being. 💛 Here are some simple tips from Parent Resource Centre Ottawa to make mornings more pleasant for everyone:
✅ Positive Comments:
– Use your child’s name, speak at their eye level, and share enthusiasm with a smile.
For example:
“I see Sophie is ready to start the day!”
“Great job Mark, you got out of bed!”
✅ Choices:
– Offer simple, reasonable choices that help your child feel in control.
“Would you like me to turn on your light or keep it off while you get up?”
“Do you want to have breakfast or get dressed first?”
✅ Promoting Emotional Vocabulary:
– Acknowledge your child’s feelings and model your own.
“Oh boy Paula, you still look tired. I feel tired too.”
“You look refreshed and ready to go today, Shawn!”
With small adjustments like these, you can transform hectic mornings into a moment of connection and encouragement! 🌟