Day Camp: Ottawa Foyer Partage




Day program that can accommodate 16+

1:1 Support: OFP’s can provide 1:1 community support to people with disabilities to maximize their independence and quality of life. Our support workers empower people to grow their independence through tailored skills training and support with appointments, shopping and everything in between. The intent of our program is to help the people who use our services build confidence, increase comfort with new resources.

Camp Summary

OFP has the capacity at their community program to support youth 16 plus on a fee-for-service basis. We would require that the youth does a tour to determine fit, and we could be somewhat flexible on the age if it seems like a good match.

We have flexibility in what we offer based on the interests of the individuals attending, including activities in the community. We also have a computer lab component to our program if this would fit their needs.


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