Strategic Plan 2023-2028

This page offers information on our Strategic Plan 2023-2028. You can find our full strategic plan here

We aim to make our information accessible. If you have any difficulty in understanding the information on this page or our strategic plan, please contact us at

On this page

  1. About our Strategic Plan
  2. Expected Results

About Our Strategic Plan

  • Our plan tells us where we are going, so we know where to prioritize our efforts.
  • It is the result of several consultations with all SCS-related parties.
  • Our plan has been prepared with consideration given to the Ontario government’s Journey to Belonging initiative and the changes it will bring to developmental services in mind.
  • With our plan, we want to serve more clients in a timelier manner and have access to a greater range of services.
  • Our plan will help SCS remain a leader in the field in a changing landscape.

Key Priorities

Our Strategic Plan 2023-2028 calls for SCS to focus its efforts over a five-year period on the following three key priorities:

  • Key Priority 1: Elevate Client Experience
    Exceptional client-centric journey for both individuals and families.
  • Key Priority 2: Cultivate a Workplace of Choice
    Nurture an environment that equips staff to provide exemplary support to individuals and families.
  • Key Priority 3: Become a Regional Pioneer in the Journey to Individualized Funding
    Become a regional pioneer in a transformed developmental services sector.
Strategic plan banner

Expected Results

Key Priority 1: Clients

Clients of SCS
Creation of an exceptional, client-centric journey for both individuals and families

  • Enhance the capabilities of our online platforms to better serve our clients
  • Harness data for improving service quality and client experience while respecting privacy
  • Curtail service waitlists while introducing interim support mechanisms
  • Optimize processes across all service domains (aided by technology where relevant and feasible)
  • Synergize with MCCSS and community partners for effective service recipient placements
  • Heighten client engagement through effective feedback channels
  • Update our methods to better understand the objectives of the individuals and families we support

Key Priority 2: Employees

Employees of SCS
Our employees are fully equipped to support our clients

  • Formulating a comprehensive succession plan for key roles
  • Fostering an organizational ethos conducive to superior service provision
  • Propagating a shared value proposition within SCS
  • Deeply integrating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging as intrinsic to our identity and culture
  • Delineating clear expectations and growth paths for leadership role
  • Sustaining competitive compensation aided by a robust performance management framework
  • Promote a culture of operational excellence and engage the entire staff in working toward a highly efficient workplace

Key Priority 3: Journey to Belonging

A client with an employee of SCS
By following this carefully thought-out vision, our clients and employees have the best possible chance of success

  • Refining our understanding of the unique needs, desires, and capabilities of the individuals and families we support
  • Positioning ourselves as strategic leaders in catalyzing enhanced service availability in the broader Ottawa region
  • Researching case management models in other regions to enhance our own services
  • Facilitating collaboration that empowers others to seize opportunities presented by the evolving landscape and explain the changing landscape to our clients
  • Build awareness and trust with our customers
  • Position SCS as the strategic innovation leader in supporting greater availability of services in the greater Ottawa region
Please refer to our full strategic plan to find out more about expected results from our key priorities.


By following these three priorities, we believe will pave the way for a more inclusive future.