Rob and Family’s Journey to Developmental Services with SCS

On this page, you can listen to an interview with Rob and his Father Scott, to learn about their journey to developmental services. The interview was conducted at our 2022 annual conference.

Subtitles are available in French. Click here to learn how to activate them on YouTube

  1. Meet the Interview Participants
  2. Role of Case Manager in Supporting Rob and Family
  3. Finding Services
  4. Approaching the Right Group Home for the Person
  5. At the Group Home
  6. Positive Outcomes from Group Home and Services for Rob
  7. Advice to Families from Scott

Meet the Interview Participants

Rob Parker, SCS Participant

Scott Parker, Rob’s Father

Kolleen Frauzel, Residential Counselor at Total Communication Environment (TCE)

Ian Mendes, Interviewer

Andrea Stadhard, SCS Case Manager – Adult Services

Role of Case Manager in Supporting Rob and Family

Andrea talks about her role in supporting Rob, mainly through his transition to supportive housing.

Andrea explains why it’s important to keep Rob and his family at the forefront of the conversation.

Finding Services

Andrea talks about how to get funded services.

Scott talks about challenges in finding services.

Approaching the Right Group Home for the Person

Andrea talks about finding a match between Rob and a group home.

Scott shares his experience about finding a group home.

At the Group Home

Kolleen talks about Rob at the group home.

Rob talks about his participation in a program at theSPACE.

Rob talks about enjoying playing board games.

Rob talks about physical activity.

Positive Outcomes from Group Home and Services for Rob

Andrea talks about how Rob is facing adversity with optimism.

Scott talks about how Rob has grown with the support of SCS and other services.

Advice to Families from Scott

Scott’s word to other families looking for a group home.

Scott’s word to other families with no services.