In order to register with Service Coordination Support (SCS) for people with developmental disabilities the intake worker will need to review supporting documentation to confirm your (the applicant’s) eligibility. As a central point of access, we provide information and facilitate access to services and supports for children and youth (0 to 18) with a developmental disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Ottawa area. In order for us to proceed with the registration, we require a psychological assessment (or any other document) confirming the diagnosis of a developmental disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder. As well, we require consent to allow us to collect, use or disclose information for the purpose of creating and maintaining your service record.

If you are having difficulty filling this form, please send us an email at

Section 1 - Referral Information

DD slash MM slash YYYY

1.3 Assistance From a Case Manager(Required)

Section 2 - Information about Child/Youth

2.1 - General Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Interpreter Required:
The child/youth will accept services in the following language
2.2 - This child/youth has a confirmed diagnosis of:(Required)
2.3 - How the Child/Youth communicates

2.4 - Information about the child/youth's health, wellness and safety

Check all that applies
Police Involvement/At risk with legal system?

2.5 - Information about Education

Grade Level (If Applicable)
This person is a Youth 14 to 18 years:
School Program
Support Level
Are there challenges in school?

Section 3 - Information on Parents/Caregivers

3.1 - Primary Contact Person

Select Preferred Method of Communication(Required)
Are you the person we should communicate with?
Parent/caregiver Risk Factors
Is there a secondary contact?

3.2 - Family Living Situation

Family and Living Situation
Who lives in your home? What is your support network like? Financial situation? What additional demands affect your family life?

Section 4 - Financial Supports

Will be completed by a case manager if applicable
Will be completed by a case manager if applicable
Will be completed by a case manager if applicable
Will be completed by a case manager if applicable

4.1 - Financial Supports, for household income below $63,000

Will be completed by a case manager if applicable
Will be completed by a case manager if applicable
Other private/public resources?

Section 5 - Service Request

How can we best support you? (What type of resources are you looking for at this time? What are you hoping a case manager can assist you with?)
I need a case manager to help me coordinate community resources such as:(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.