With their new Learning Centre, Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa-Carleton (LDAO-C) are able to offer two Saturday morning clubs! While the kids think the clubs are just a lot of fun, LDAO-C knows that these clubs are also a chance to offer social skills, make friends, and share some of the struggles they each might be facing. Sign up for both to receive a discount. Ages 9-13. (Bonus for parents – sign up for both and you get two hours to run errands or enjoy a cup of coffee at a local cafe)
Archives de catégorie : Enfants
📣 Vous cherchez une activité parascolaire pour votre jeune autiste de 5 à 17 ans?
Il reste quelques places pour « Samedi ensemble » de la SFOA, un programme accentué sur la socialisation et le développement de la motricité fine et globale. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant. Les places sont limitées :